A Day In The Life Of

A Day In The Life Of Sagar And Tyler

We would like you to meet Tyler and Sagar. Tyler is seven years old and Sagar is seven as well. Tyler lives in upstate New York in a city called Oswego, while Sagar lives in Northern India in a city called Lucknow. We followed each child for a day to get an idea of what they might do in a typical day. The purpose is compare and contrast the lives of two children of relative age living in opposite sides of the world. What are the similarities and differences. As you might imagine there are both. Take a look at their story


Tyler's favorite lunch is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sometimes he goes out to his Grandmothers and swims in her pool. After playing around and swimming he likes to have a snack. Here he is eating strawberry shortcake his Grandma made for him. Strawberries are grown here locally and are picked during the month of June.

Tyler Eating Breakfast

Many children have pets. The most common pets are cats and dogs. Some other pets are guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, fish, and rabbits. Tyler and his twin brother share a dwarf hamster called Cuddles. Here Tyler is holding it. He loves playing with it.

Tyler's Pet


This is Sagar eating his lunch. He doesn't care much for rice. He has cucumbers, tomatoes and some other vegetables along with bananas and a glass of water.

Sagar Eating Lunch

This is young Sagar Gandhi using the telephone, talking with his friend telling him about his recent vacations.

Sagar On The Phone